The Kodiak Bear: A Giant Among Giants – The Kodiak bear (Ursus arctos middendorffi) is a unique subspecies of brown bear found exclusively on the Kodiak Archipelago in southwestern Alaska. Renowned for its immense size, the… – The Kodiak bear (Ursus arctos middendorffi) is a unique subspecies of brown bear found exclusively on the Kodiak Archipelago in southwestern Alaska. Renowned for its immense size, the… – George Stevens’ 1956 epic drama, Giant, is a sprawling and ambitious film that explores the changing landscape of Texas in the mid-20th century. The film follows the lives… – Cho Oyu, meaning “Turquoise Goddess” in Tibetan, is the sixth-highest mountain in the world, standing at an elevation of 8,188 meters (26,864 feet) above sea level. This majestic…